Monday, January 28, 2013

Two in five young Japanese women need a social detox

Have you ever felt that using SNS is bothersome? graph of japanese reported on a recent survey by Neo Marketing into the true feelings (honne) of SNS users and found rather a lot getting a bit tired of the social grind.


As with most non-goo Research surveys, the demographic information was lacking; 1,000 SNS users of both sexes between the ages of 20 and 49 completed a (presumably private) internet-based questionnaire at some unspecified date.

I keep my SNS usage to a minimum; indeed, my wife uses my Facebook account more than me, every day checking up on a few people to see what they are up to, whereas my usage is 99% automated reposts of this blog. I am more active on Google Plus, but as I find nothing wrong with just ignoring people (sorry, that?s just my character!) it never gets too burdensome.

Regarding Q3 and the dissatisfaction of getting requests from unknown people, I believe that when you sign up with Facebook and enter where you live, Facebook prompts you with a list of people nearby, so I occasionally get requests from Facebook newbies who live in the same town and probably think it would be cool to have a foreign friend. I, of course, just ignore them.

The article also had a quote from the head of a psychiartric clinic in Tokyo, saying that they are seeing a few patients having stress from work through SNS, which they have termed ?social harrassment?. The doctor recommended taking a break from SNS now and again, and suggested avoiding it just before bedtime and/or Sundays.

Research results

Q1: About how long per day do you spend on SNS? (Sample size=1,000)

Less than five minutes 17.7%
Less than ten minutes 23.7%
Less than thirty minutes 27.7%
Less than one hour 18.6%
Less than two hours 6.7%
Less than three hours 3.9%
Less than six hours 1.3%
Less than nine hours 0.3%
More than nine hours 0.1%

When asked how they accessed SNS, 91.7% said via computer, 53.9% via smartphone, and 21.1% via standard mobile phone.

When asked when they accessed SNS, the most popular time was 9 pm to midnight, with 41.5% online then, followed by 17.8% between 6 pm and 9 pm

Q2: What are the good things about using SNS? (Sample size=1,000, multiple answer)

Can occupy my free time 50.2%
Can meet old friends 30.4%
Can make more friends 25.3%
Can communicate more with friends 25.1%
Can find out what friends are doing 24.9%
Have more chances to get recommendations, latest info, etc 20.5%
Have more chances to publish my own info 17.7%
Can broaden the scope of my hobbies 14.8%
Can easily participate in communities 12.8%
Can easily participate in real-life events, meet-ups 5.4%
Other 0.7%
Don?t think there?s anything good about it 10.4%

When asked if they had any dissatisfactions about SNS usage, 57.2% of men but 70.8% of women said yes. Those dissatisfied were then asked the following.

Q3: What dissatsifactions do you have regarding using SNS? (Sample size=those dissatisfied, multiple answer)

? Male Female
Requests from people I?ve never met before 14.6% 21.2%
I become shackled to SNS 14.4% 17.6%
Worry about whether my posts, comments will get a reply 13.2% 22.%
Difficult to refuse friend requests 12.6% 15.0%
Other people can learn about my activites on SNS 11.8% 19.6%
There are sales pitches 11.0% 8.8%
Feel obliged to reply to other people?s posts, comments 8.6% 15.6%
Made-up stories, libel 7.8% 8.6%
Difficult to defriend people 7.6% 12.8%
Must choose my words to prevent flame wars, etc 6.6% 10.6%
Interpersonal relations become diluted 5.6% 5.0%
Feel obliged to post text, photos 5.2% 7.2%
Worry about whether people will become real-life friends 4.4% 3.2%
Other 1.6% 1.4%

When asked if they ever think they?d like to spend a whole day on SNS, 71.1% answered in the negative, and just 1.5% strongly agreed.

Q4: Have you ever felt that using SNS is bothersome? (Sample size=1,000)

Very much so 9.7%
Somewhat so 41.9%
Can?t say 32.7%
Not really so 12.1%
Not at all so 3.6%

Tying in with another new term, ?social harrassment?, a couple of the bothersome issues were having to ?Like? one?s boss?s post and being unable to refuse one?s boss?s friend requests.

Q5: Would you like to take a break from SNS? (Sample size=1,000)

&nbsp Yes Can?t say No
Men, twenties 38.6% 37.1% 24.3%
Men, thirties 28.4% 42.6% 29.0%
Men, forties 22.8% 44.5% 32.7%
Women, twenties 37.9% 24.8% 37.2%
Women, thirties 26.5% 42.5% 31.0%
Women, forties 24.5% 43.9% 31.6%
Read more on: detox,neo marketing,sns



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