Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ford and Wynne like oil and water

Incoming premier Kathleen Wynne and Mayor Rob Ford are like oil and water, Sue-Ann Levy says. (Reuters file photos)

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If their body language was any indication, Mayor Rob Ford and incoming premier Kathleen Wynne didn?t appear to have much appetite to be seated at the same table at Monday night?s Board of Trade dinner.

No wonder. The two are like oil and water.

Here?s the thing.

There?s no doubt I am personally pleased that Ontario has its first lesbian premier. While sexuality shouldn?t matter one bit in 2013, it still does judging from the tremendous number of homophobic comments I get from those who don?t like my columns.

That said, there is very little else on which we can agree.

I wish I could say that Wynne is able to meet Ford on some common ground and their differences don?t matter. But her left-of-centre ideology and history in school board and provincial politics speak otherwise.

Wynne first cut her teeth as a school trustee on the Toronto District School Board in 2000 ? where she formed an unholy alliance for three years with mouthy Shelley Carroll and Commie Paula Fletcher as well as Sister Janet Davis, who was not a trustee at the time.

Fletcher, Davis and Carroll went on to City Hall. Wynne jumped directly into provincial politics.

But to this day, Carroll has been tight with Wynne, endorsing her for the Liberal leadership.

The word is that Carroll fancies a Thelma and Louise kind of tag team of her as mayor and Wynne as premier.

Yikes. If that were ever the case (and the odds are slim), it wouldn?t take long before Thelma and Louise drove Toronto ? and Ontario ? off a fiscal cliff, as my good friend and journalist Moira MacDonald so cleverly mused last week.

But getting back to Wynne?s time in provincial cabinet, there?s no doubt that even after she stepped down as education minister in 2010, she had tremendous influence on and input into the Liberal regime?s inclusive sex education curriculum and on attempts to ram gay-straight alliances (GSA) down the the throats of Catholic schools.

I won?t comment on either manoeuvres. However, considering how Wynne praised those controversial initiatives in Xtra in September 2011, I?m guessing she?d have even less use for Ford if he skips a Gay Pride event again this year.

(For the record, I believe it is time he attended at least one event. There are plenty of people who are happy to accompany him.)

Considering how Wynne attacked Ford very openly prior to the 2010 election ? in order to prop up the collapsing fortunes of her pal George Smitherman ? I think the mayor has already proven he?s able to weather (and overlook) an attack that was inappropriate and bordering on vindictive.

It happened while she was transportation minister. In a back-to-school e-newsletter to her constituents she claimed that a Toronto led by Rob Ford ?will not grow and prosper? as it should and that Ford is intent on ?practising the politics of division and anger.?

When I contacted her, Wynne first denied she used office resources for the e-newsletter. She went on to say that she believes Ford does not have a ?grand vision? for Toronto, or the ?best interests? of the city at heart, or compassion for the people who live in it ? pretty much suggesting he is a Philistine.

It was very telling that while transportation minister, Wynne apparently had five ?quiet meetings? with TTC chairman Karen Stintz in the summer of 2011 about the LRT plan.

While in the municipal affairs and housing portfolio, Wynne had to be embarrassed by Ford last summer into signing off on the sale of 65 Toronto Community Housing Corp. (TCHC) homes worth an estimated $24 million ? after she sat on the file for a good nine months. The money from the sale of these homes was and is sorely needed to repair the rest of TCHC?s decrepit units.

It was apparent then that Wynne?s ?vision? for Toronto is not subways and it is certainly not about finding creative solutions to deal with infrastructure problems (in this case pertaining to Toronto?s social housing stock).

Since she won the leadership Saturday, she hasn?t given me any cause to change my position that she is a tax-and-spend politician ? particularly with her talk of a dedicated transit tax to fund new transit projects.

I wish Ford and Wynne good luck.

I hope I?m wrong. But my guess is that both would sooner put pins in their eyes than find common ground on much of anything.

Wynne meets Ford! I just snapped this at Toronto Brd Trade gala.Anyone read body language? #robford @kathleen_wynne

? Paul Bliss (@blissblogs)

January 29, 2013


pac 12 tournament

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