Friday, June 1, 2012

Don't Tell Me You Want To Earn Money Online But If You Are Trying ...

Oh yeah, people want to be financially independent or even if they could earn an extra income flow they?d be happy. Simply a thousand extra dollars a month can change people?s lives. Just think, an education for your kids, an extra payment for a boat or sports car you?ve always wanted or maybe use the extra grand on a larger home. You see people making tons on line, sure selling these dreamers the products that will make them overnight success stories. Well at least they say they do. Maybe you can win a prize or contest for a house or boat, but you are not going to be an overnight success on the internet. Online businesses can and do thrive every day and make the kind of money to support your dreams but you know what, you still need to follow rules, not your 9-5 normal employee ? boss rules and regulations, that?s for sure.

However, Online Business owners when following internet business rules can thrive today. Yes you can be successful online but I?m telling you, you need to be disciplined. Not in the army way, yes sir, no sir, madam but in sticking to your success plan. Yea, first you need a plan. Your business plan. You can search the web for tips on that. I?m going to list the items you need to be acting on regularly.

1 ? Plan your Workdays. Block out Hours

For your online business to succeed, you will need to market online consistently. Sure you can automate it or even outsource it to someone in a foreign country or even a neighborhood teenager. However, allocating time in your schedule or resources is essential for internet businesses to succeed. To make this work, you can take an hour or two and basically write a to do list for marketing. It can be writing an article, a blog, growing your list, building back links or even twitter and Facebook page building.

2 -There are Many Choices For You

A simple schedule can be made with a ruler or block paper even. Of course an excel spreadsheet or word table may impress. You need your schedule to be functional. A hand drawn calendar with notes may be a hundred times more useful than a leather embossed planner.

3 ? Don?t Waste Time, Stick to Your Plan

Internet advertising websites will have advertising of their own. Of course you may be interested in many ads or even related links, Don?t get distracted, remember it is consistency that will bring the regular paydays you can expect with a little marketing discipline.

4 ? Blocks of Time can even Motivate You

When you have a limited time and the clock is ticking, deadline approaching, many people get extra motivated to get things done. In this way, a time constraint even if it is self imposed is a huge urging on at times to complete your marketing tasks. Having to post links, ads or articles days after days, weeks, even years can seem more like a job at times so look for extra motivating techniques as this to reach your mini goals of blocks of time/

5 ? Diversifying Internet Marketing Is Easier

This last point or advantage of following a schedule for your marketing of websites is to take advantage of this tactic as sort of a checklist too. You will have a record of what marketing you have been doing and simultaneously you will be collecting statistics on traffic, conversion rates and maybe click through from certain techniques whether it be banners, solo ads, organic website visitors or any other generating traffic method used.

If I could summarize success on the internet, I?d say it can be done over time more realistically if you discipline yourself not to get distracted and focus on following a schedule of proven techniques.

By Leon Edward

Leon Edward?s Online Business Ideas website ( for small business answers questions posed by millions of people that have accepted the challenge of starting, setting up and managing a small or home based business.

Learn more about internet home business management, selling products online, types of online business (, sole proprietorship, corporations and successful internet business models at his website.

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