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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Fracking Law Changes at the Local, State and Federal Level (ContributorNetwork)
ASUS announces two new Transformer tablets, finally shows off Padfone
ASUS this morning at Mobile World Congress just dropped a bombshell of a tablet on us with its new Transformer Pad Infinity Series. The Transformer Pad Infinity Series 700 is going to leave you feeling a bit moist. The 10-inch IPS display has a 1920x1200 resolution at 600 nits. It's powered either by a quad-core Tegra 3 chipset at 1.6 GHz (for the Wifi-only version), or dual-core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm MSM 8960 Snapdragon S4 Krait if it's rocking 3G/4G radios. It's a mere 8.5 mm thick as well, and features an optoinal keyboard dock, for which ASUS has made quite the name for itself.
ASUS also finally showed of the Padfone (it having been teased for a good year or so, it feels like). It's a 4.3-inch smartphone powered by a new Qualcomm dual-core Krait processor (same as in the Infinity 700), has an 8-megapixel camera and slips into an optional Padfone Station that turn it into a 10.1 in tablet with five times the battery life. The Padfone Station in turn has an optional keyboard dock that turns the whole thing into an Android laptop.
ASUS also announced the new Transformer Pad 300, an updated tablet it's billing as the ideal mobile web surfing and gaming platform. It's got an NVIDIA® Tegra® 3 quad-core processor and 10.1-inch IPS diaplay at 1280x800 resolution. It's got options for LTE or Wifi-only. Battery life is billed at 10 hours, or 15 hours with an optional keyboard dock.
We've got more pics and the full press release after the break. Stay tuned for some hands-on action!
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
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Taking out a loan for any new or used vehicle is something that the majority of us have experienced to do from one point. The problem is, unfavorable interest rates mean we quite often end up paying far more than the initial sticker price in the vehicle once all is said and accomplished. Then, if you think about that the trade-in worth of the car lessens significantly with each passing year, you can see that the deal gets more serious. Fortunately, consumers are able to re-finance auto loans quite easily, which brings a few leverage returning to their facet.
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Monday, February 27, 2012
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What exactly is an LLC? LLC or perhaps Limited Burden Company is not really a business or perhaps a corporation but it really is pretty a design allowed by means of state body.
?To determine should the name with the LLC you want to form on the State in California can be acquired you needs to complete forming an LLC in California Name Accessibility Inquiry Notification and post it to your California Admin of California?s Office,? admitted kind-hearted Chairman Jenny Bryan. A few think LLCs help save taxes, however most of the time, they you should never.
For all you single proprietors that is the boon to hold on to your real estate investment opportunities.
Unsure the meal industry is befitting your group or LLC? Think about a Awesome 9 resort? It?s Missouri LLC cost you extra to fall into than a particular ice remedy shop, a typical SBA loan is now over $900,000. For a good corporation, shares in stock will be issued at the same time membership units have by a tiny liability provider. Wide variety two, I surely could now have packages as well as mail desiring a personal without others being show. In which did Awesome 9 secure its list? When any chain opened programs 1974 on Aberdeen, SD the software offered location at $9.
1. It?s long assumed that there were no way round the tax concerns, but the following simply is not really true. The share with the LLC?s earnings and/or losses is commonly allocated prior to the title percentage with the owners. The price tag to archive an S-Corp is equivalent to filing a good C-Corp. The primarily additional procedures needed will be to archive a Government (Form 2113) as well as local (Form CT-6) S-Corp elections ? which are usually free to be able to file using the IRS as well as state respectively (plus anything your legal practitioner charges you for that hour it can take him to be able to file these ? should you not want to carry out it yourself).
An Ak LLC is a better solution intended for protecting assets in the creditors on the member.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
War of 1812 bicentennial is a big deal ? in Canada
Reporting from Washington?
For a piece of history that gave us the rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air, the War of 1812 tends to evoke a collective "Huh?" on the U.S. side of the border with Canada."The War of 1812 has no compelling narrative that appeals to the average American,'' said Jerald Podair, a history professor at Lawrence University in Wisconsin. "It's just a hodgepodge of buildings burning, bombs bursting in air and paintings being saved from the invaders, all for a vaguely defined purpose. "
Yet the vacuum of interest in the War of 1812 is about to get a pyrotechnic blast of attention for its bicentennial year.
Canadians, who consider the war a pivotal conflict in their nation's history, have made 200th anniversary celebrations a national priority and are opening government coffers to stage a splashy show. Also, a few American cities and states, mostly on the East Coast and Great Lakes where fighting took place, are planning commemorations that have some brushing off their war reenactment uniforms.
For Americans who may have napped during this history lesson, the War of 1812 is a bit of a dud, historians say.
"If you ask the average American what they think about the War of 1812, some will have a puzzled look and ask who fought in that war?" said Ralph Eshelman, a Maryland historian who has written about the war in the Chesapeake Bay region. Another historian joked that about the only thing most Americans know about the War of 1812 is that it began in, well, 1812.
While some U.S. boosters believe our side won, many historians say the war ? largely fought over British impressment of American seamen and interference with U.S. trade and westward expansion ? ended in a draw.
And then there's that episode when the British burned Washington. "We don't have a lot to celebrate,'' said William Fowler, a Northeastern University history professor.
Still, the war produced the words for "The Star Spangled Banner" as Francis Scott Key watched the defense of Baltimore. Andrew Jackson was elevated to hero status for his victory at the Battle of New Orleans. And Dolley Madison earned her place in the history books for saving George Washington's portrait from the British torching of the White House.
The war also "confirmed the independence of a young republic whose success and prosperity was not foreordained or guaranteed,'' said Carl Robert Keyes, an assistant professor of history at Assumption College in Worcester, Mass.
There are those in Canada, however, who view their country as a victor, largely for repelling American invaders.
"It was very much a war of independence and is seen as one of the defining chapters in Canadian history," said Ron Dale, War of 1812 bicentennial project manager for Parks Canada. To celebrate the military achievement, the Canadian government plans to spend at least $28 million on activities, including televised war vignettes and battle reenactments.
"It's a much bigger deal up here," said Jack Jedwab, executive director of the Assn. for Canadian Studies.
Canada would not exist had the American invasions of 1812-1814 not been defeated," said Lyle Williams, a spokesman for Niagara-on-the-Lake War of 1812 Bicentennial Committee.
"The war linked the disparate British provinces in shared danger against a common enemy and eased the way for confederation, the establishment of the Dominion of Canada five decades later in 1867," said Dale of Parks Canada. "Canadians take pride in their victories against overwhelming odds during the conflict but also applaud the postwar results ? 200 years of peace and an incredibly strong friendship with our American neighbors.''
Toronto is planning more than 100 events, including an 1812-related film festival and a military parade. The city, then known as York, saw its parliamentary buildings burned down by the Americans during six days of occupation, but it boasts on its bicentennial website: "The U.S. government achieved none of its objectives ? especially the conquest of British North America."
In the United States, no state is more engaged than Maryland, which sees the bicentennial as an opportunity to shine ? and rake in some tourist dollars.
The state boasts more than 500 sites with a connection to the war and is led by a governor, Martin O'Malley, who has worn a War of 1812 uniform to commemorate the defense of Baltimore.
Maryland hopes to draw more than a million visitors to Baltimore in June for its "Star-Spangled Sailabration," the kickoff of a three-year, $25-million commemoration of the 1812-1815 conflict. Events include underwater archaeological digs to recover war artifacts and an online game called "Hold the Fort" that will "cast young people in the role of Ft. McHenry's commander during the British attack ? making critical decisions regarding when to fire the guns."
License plates depicting "The Star Spangled Banner" adorn Maryland cars. Commemorative coins inscribed with "O say can you see" will be offered for sale. The state's events will culminate in 2014 with lots of fireworks, if not bombs, bursting in air over Ft. McHenry.
The Navy holds its achievements in high regard, citing victories "against great odds" over the mighty Royal Navy. U.S. Navy officials are helping organize visits by tall ships and modern vessels from navies around the world to ports on the East Coast, the Great Lakes and New Orleans, site of Jackson's celebrated victory.
A broader U.S. commemoration has been hampered by tight government budgets: Legislation to create a national commission to plan bicentennial events died in Congress. Also diminishing its promotional opportunities, the bicentennial overlaps the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.
Britain doesn't seem to be planning much, probably because the War of 1812 was viewed as a distraction for a country focused on defeating Napoleon, historians said. Some Canadians worry that if they make too big a deal about repelling the American invaders, it could offend their southern neighbor.
Then again, Americans may not notice.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
dwalsh76: @TheJakeWeight meh. Anything that infuriates WVU inbreds is cool w/ me. Plus Bo, an elite coach, embarrassed himself after the MSU loss too.
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Friday, February 24, 2012
Pakistan urges Taliban to Afghan peace talks
A Pakistani police officers stands at a police station after suicide attacks in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Feb. 24, 2012. Suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar early Friday, killing three officers in an assault authorities said was likely in revenge for offensives against nearby strongholds.(AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
A Pakistani police officers stands at a police station after suicide attacks in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Feb. 24, 2012. Suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar early Friday, killing three officers in an assault authorities said was likely in revenge for offensives against nearby strongholds.(AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
Pakistani rescue workers examine the site of attack in a police station in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Feb 24, 2012. Suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar early Friday, killing three officers in an assault authorities said was likely in revenge for offensives against nearby strongholds.(AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
A Pakistani rescue worker strolls at a police station targeted by suicide attackers in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Feb 24, 2012. Suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar early Friday, killing three officers in an assault authorities said was likely in revenge for offensives against nearby strongholds. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
Pakistani rescue workers examine the site of an attack in a police station in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Feb 24, 2012. Suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar early Friday, killing three officers in an assault authorities said was likely in revenge for offensives against nearby strongholds.(AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
An injured Pakistani police officer is treated at a local hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Feb 24, 2012. Suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar early Friday, killing three officers in an assault authorities said was likely in revenge for offensives against nearby strongholds.(AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)
ISLAMABAD (AP) ? Pakistan publicly called on the Taliban for the first time Friday to engage the Afghan government in U.S.-backed peace talks, a potentially significant move that could help pave the way for a settlement to end the decade-long war.
Islamabad's support for the process is seen as vital because of its alleged links to the Taliban and because many of the group's leaders, including chief Mullah Omar, are believed to be based on Pakistani soil.
But the impact of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's call Friday depends on whether it is backed by the Pakistani army's shadowy intelligence agency, the ISI, which has been closest to the Taliban. It also remains to be seen just how much sway Pakistan has over the militants.
"It is now time to turn a new leaf and open a new chapter in the history of Afghanistan," said Gilani. "In this spirit, I would like to appeal to the Taliban leadership as well as to all other Afghan groups, including Hizb-i-Islami, to participate in an intra-Afghan process for national reconciliation and peace."
Hizb-i-Islami is led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, an Afghan warlord whose ties to Pakistan date back to the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Another key faction is the Haqqani network, viewed by the U.S. military as the most dangerous militant group in Afghanistan. The group's founder, Jalaluddin Haqqani, is another Pakistani ally from the Soviet era and is believed to be based in the country's northwest.
Afghan presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi welcomed Gilani's statements, calling them a positive first step.
"The second step is of course to move forward, to facilitate meetings and talks between the Afghan government and the armed opposition," said Faizi.
The Pakistani prime minister's comments, which followed a visit by Afghan President Hamid Karzai to Islamabad last week, are the latest indication that momentum for peace talks is building.
The Taliban are setting up an office in the tiny Gulf state of Qatar in the first step toward formal negotiations. Also, the Obama administration is considering releasing five top Taliban leaders from the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay as a starting point for talks.
But the process has been riddled by rumor, uncertainty and distrust among all the players involved, including the United States.
Karzai initially resisted the U.S.-backed move by the Taliban to set up the Qatar office because he felt the Afghan government was being sidelined.
The Taliban, meanwhile, have said they would prefer to negotiate with the United States, which has 100,000 troops in Afghanistan, rather than the Afghan government.
Pakistan and Afghanistan also have clashed. Kabul has long accused Islamabad of providing sanctuary for the Taliban, which seized power in Afghanistan in the 1990s with Islamabad's help.
Pakistan has denied the allegations, but it is widely believed to have retained ties with the group because it could be a key ally in Afghanistan after foreign forces withdraw, especially in countering the influence of neighbor and archenemy India.
Pakistani defense analyst Hasan-Askari Rizvi said Gilani's call for the Taliban to negotiate with the Afghan government could be critical if it is backed by the ISI.
"If the military is not on board, it is the prime minister's own initiative, and it will likely not work," said Rizvi.
However, he doubted Gilani would have made such a direct statement if he wasn't backed by the army.
The head of the ISI, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, met with Gilani on Friday to discuss Afghanistan, the prime minister's office said.
Pakistan's accommodating tone Friday seemed to mark a shift from last week.
During Karzai's visit, Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said it would be "preposterous" for Afghanistan to expect Islamabad to deliver the Taliban's leader for talks.
Karzai said at the time there were "impediments" to the peace process that needed to be removed ? a possible reference to Pakistan's lack of support.
The Afghan president issued a public statement after his visit saying it was "crucial" for Pakistan to back peace talks with the Taliban. Gilani's comments Friday were a direct response to Karzai.
Even if the ISI is determined to push the Taliban to the negotiating table, it's unclear just how much influence it has. Many of the militants reportedly distrust Pakistan, and they have been notoriously hard to control.
The Taliban seemingly have significant negotiating leverage since they know the U.S. aims to withdraw most of its combat troops by 2014 after more than a decade of war.
"I don't think Pakistan can compel them to sign a peace agreement," said Rizvi. "However, Pakistan can definitely encourage them, and they would listen to Pakistan."
The Afghan war has helped spark a domestic Taliban insurgency within Pakistan.
Taliban suicide bombers armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a large police station in Pakistan's northwest city of Peshawar on Friday, killing four officers and wounding six in an assault meant to avenge the death of a militant commander in a U.S. drone strike. zPeshawar has been a frequent target of militant attacks over the last few years, but most have been bomb blasts, not coordinated assaults in the center of the city such as Friday's attack.
Associated Press writers Riaz Khan in Peshawar, Pakistan, Ishtiaq Mahsud in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, and Heidi Vogt in Kabul, Afghanistan, contributed to this report.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Phoenix to sell or rent homes to help low-income families
by Emily Gersema - Feb. 21, 2012 09:53 PM
The Republic |
Phoenix is revving up to sell or rent some of the hundreds of homes that it had purchased over the years to help low-income families.
"We set some targets" for the sell-off, said Phoenix Housing Director Kim Dorney. "This year it is to sell 10."
Dorney said the city is considering a marketing effort to spread the news about the city-owned homes. She also said the city has been working with tenants already in public-housing programs whose incomes may qualify them to buy one of the houses or rent them.
To qualify to rent one of the homes in the Scattered Sites Housing program, a family of two or more must meet the income requirements. For example, a family of two qualifies if it earns $13,300 to $42,650 a year; a family of three $15,000 to $48,000 per year; a family of four $16,650 to $53,300 with income requirements for larger families also in place.
To buy a home, the family has to be at or below 80 percent of the median income limit, city officials said. To qualify, a family of two earns $42,500 a year; a family of three $47,800; a family of four $53,100.
Another requirement: The family must also go through special education and training for financial management and homeownership.
Public records obtained by The Arizona Republic showed the city owns 435 single-family homes in the Scattered Sites Housing program.
Phoenix housing officials said the city had purchased some of the homes in the 1990s as part of a federal housing program, Section 5(h), whose beginnings date back to 1937.
The program, overseen by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, was meant to help low-income residents buy homes while allowing public-housing agencies to sell homes that are costly to own and manage.
Under the Section 5(h) program, Phoenix sold 92 homes to people who met the income requirements, said Pene Norville, a city housing official.
Phoenix also bought other homes for its Scattered Sites Program under another HUD program, Section 32, which was created in 2003 to helps low-income residents buy homes.
Section 32 gave public-housing agencies more flexibility for spending their federal capital funds, which is money earmarked for improving or purchasing public housing.
Section 32 allows public-housing agencies to tap the capital funds to subsidize rent for low-income residents, buy additional homes that it could then turn and sell to low-income families, sell current homes that it owns to low-income buyers, or work out a lease-to-buy agreement with a potential homebuyer.
So far, the city has sold 10 of the homes, officials said. On average, the Housing Department collected $114,777 per home sold between 2009 to 2012, city officials said.
However, the homes have sold for much less, around $81,000 this year and last year. The proceeds go into other affordable-housing-program funds.
Elizabeth Enciso, one of the program buyers, was able to buy a $110,000, 1,800-square-foot home near 15th Avenue and Camelback Road for her family. She called the program "a blessing for me and my family."
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Tax reform: Focus on broadness and income |
Paul J. Gessing
The good news is that New Mexico?s elected leaders are having serious discussions about tax friendliness and policies that generate economic growth.
The underlying theme of the 2012 legislative session was taxes, specifically the issue of tax reform. Gov. Susana Martinez put the gross receipts tax on the agenda with her proposals to exempt certain small businesses from the tax and reduce the incidence of ?pyramiding? that forces businesses and consumers to pay taxes on top of taxes in this state.
$40 million of welcome tax relief was included in the budget, but issues remain.
Senate Finance Committee Chair John Arthur Smith made a dramatic point with the introduction of legislation that would have eliminated New Mexico?s gross-receipts tax entirely.
Smith?s point is that New Mexico?s gross-receipts tax has come to resemble Swiss cheese. Too many loopholes have been added to the tax over the years, thus driving rates on the robust gross receipts tax upward. The tax is now charged at rates rivaling sales tax rates in many states.
Back to the original intent
So, why not just get rid of the tax and go to a straight sales tax, thus eliminating ?tax pyramiding?? This would be an ideal solution, but New Mexico is heavily reliant on the federal government?s massive presence here and doing so would result in massive revenue losses to the state.
While exact numbers are difficult to find, it is estimated that the gross receipts tax on federal activities that are not taxed in other states (the labs, military bases, etc.) brings in about $300 million annually to the state?s coffers. Regardless of the specific number, this is a lot of money for policymakers to forego willingly (let alone the services taxed by the GRT that are not taxed by other states).
The problem with attempts to make the gross-receipts tax less economically harmful while keeping it intact is that such moves add to complexity and can potentially make fairness even more difficult. Transparency of taxation and tax burdens could also be negatively-impacted. Advertisement
Instead of futile attempts to make the gross receipts work in ways it was not intended, our research and analysis of the political situation indicates that the best that can be done with the tax is to attempt to restore it to what it was originally intended. That is, a low, flat, broad tax that touches everything. Doing so will still result in ?pyramiding,? but at low rates, this can be less problematic.
Other positive steps
But, that doesn?t mean that Gov. Martinez and the Legislature should give up on making New Mexico more business-friendly. The first reform that can be enacted to make our state more economically prosperous doesn?t involve taxes at all. Rather, it is enactment of a ?right to work? law.
Indiana recently became the latest state to adopt such a law. If New Mexico were to do so, it would suddenly be ?on the radar? for a variety of businesses and industries that don?t want to be held hostage by aggressive and intractable unions that can legally force prospective workers for a business to pay union dues.
In terms of tax reform, Gov. Martinez should take a cue from Gov. Richardson, who cut taxes on income in a successful effort to spur economic growth. Taxes on income, by their nature, hinder entrepreneurs and businesses. Onerous taxes on income are like having a ?closed for business? sign on your front door.
Richardson?s tax cuts took New Mexico from a business-unfriendly personal income tax rate of 8.2 percent to a moderate 4.9 percent. The state?s economy did indeed grow relatively fast as a result of those cuts and no longer finds itself among the bottom five in personal income.
If Gov. Martinez doesn?t want to take on the personal income tax at this time, perhaps she would consider tackling New Mexico?s corporate income tax. We currently have the highest corporate tax rate in the region (7.6 percent). Rep. James Strickler of Farmington introduced legislation to reduce that rate to 4.8 percent this session.
Becoming more independent
The good news is that New Mexico?s elected leaders are having serious discussions about tax friendliness and policies that generate economic growth. Historically, New Mexico has been too reliant on the federal government or its mineral wealth. It must become more independent.
This discussion is important, and we look forward to working with legislators and the governor to make our state more prosperous.
Paul J. Gessing is the president of New Mexico?s?Rio Grande Foundation, an independent, nonpartisan, tax-exempt research and educational organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited government, economic freedom and individual responsibility.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Broadband internet for everyone ? Jaacto Mist
Augustin, Germany (SPX)
Feb 21, 2012
In the developing world, 96 percent of all households have no internet access. Even in Germany, many regions are still without broadband connectivity. But in future, a revolutionary new technology for wireless networks will allow the gaps in rural internet provision to be closed at significantly less cost.
John just loves playing soccer, and he?s really looking forward to the weekend game, which he?s agreed to organize. First, he needs to tell his teammates and friends about it, then he must rustle up an opposing team and find a referee ? all of which will take him a considerable amount of time.
In order to contact everyone, he?ll have to send countless SMS messages; he?ll have to make all the arrangements on his cell phone because he lives in a rural area in Zambia, and has no internet access.
But that?s about to change, for John?s village is set to acquire an eKiosk with a number of PCs, and its inhabitants will then have access to services such as email, chat, web browsing and internet telephony.
This new internet connectivity is being made possible by WiBACK Wireless Backhaul Technology, which has been developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS in Berlin.
Researchers at the institute have succeeded in significantly reducing both the capital expenditure and the operating costs involved, meaning it is now possible to set up tailor-made IT infrastructures and communications networks away from the major towns and cities of developing and emerging countries and to connect even those in rural areas to the World Wide Web.
WiBACK is a wireless network that uses existing technologies to build a far-reaching network of radio links using inexpensive WiBACK routers. Naturally, the system is designed to support all existing wireless technologies.
The demands that will be made on the WiBACK network in the developing world are huge. ?Our technology has to be reasonably priced, low maintenance, auto-configuring and robust. It also has to bridge massive distances of several hundred kilometers.
Should a router fail, data must divert automatically. And should an operating error occur, the system must be able to restore itself to normal operation. WiBACK fulfills all these requirements,? says Prof. Karl Jonas, project leader at FOKUS.
Routers are installed on water towers, purpose-built masts or other similar high-lying points. Since the equipment has GSM and UMTS interfaces, the network is also suitable for mobile communications. And this extremely energy-efficient technology is powered by solar cells.
WiBACK wireless networks are due to be rolled out to several countries in sub-Saharan Africa in summer 2012. Jonas is happy to report that ?even schools and hospitals in sparsely populated areas will then be able to access the internet.? He and his team are assisted by ICT management consulting company Detecon, which is responsible for drawing up the business plan.
In the meantime, FOKUS researchers have already embarked upon their next project, to ensure that infrastructure-poor regions within Germany will also benefit from these inexpensive developments for wireless broadband internet. The first pilot network is currently being built on the fringes of the Westerwald and will be used to test just how reliable the network will be when it is in continuous operation. For example, what will happen when a network hub fails, perhaps because of a power cut?
As Jonas points out, ?We won?t be installing solar cells in Germany, since the electricity network covers almost the entire country.? Initially, he and his team are providing a remote farm in Hennef-Theishohn with mobile communications and broadband internet.
To do this, they have set up a 21-kilometer radio link between the Fraun-hofer-Gesellschaft?s existing fiber optic connection in Birlinghoven and the farm, using a local substation operated by energy supplier RWE as a relay point. WiBACK technology can also be employed during major events such as soccer games to increase the overall capacity of the mobile communications network for a set period of time.
In this connection, the researchers are keen to draw attention to the system?s energy consumption: ?WiBACK will automatically register if a soccer stadium is full to bursting and increase the number of available network hubs accordingly,? says Jonas.
He and his team will be demonstrating precisely how this works at CeBIT in Hannover from March 6-10, where they will be installing a WiBACK network incorporating several activate-on-demand routers on a simulated soccer pitch (Hall 9, Booth E08).
Source: Space Mart.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Common Side Effects of Weight loss supplements | New Health and ...
New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use
Not every the occasions that the weight loss supplements will act as expected. You will find occasions when unwanted effects appear after while using pills and they?ll appear in various occasions and separate stages throughout your weight loss routine. Therefore, it is advisable that you simply determine well ahead of time that which you expect in making use of particular pills to prevent you against the potential frustrations after they neglect to deliver great results.
A general change in heartbeat is among the key unwanted effects which are connected by using pills to chop weight. Their reaction using the body organs may also be extremely fast and harmful which leads to an elevated rate where your heart beats. Exactly the same is going to be duplicated inside your bloodstream pressure that will rise continuously to high and uncontrollable levels. Just in case you understand an adverse alternation in the 2, allow it to be the first priority to find medical assistance prior to the situation gets worse.
In many circumstances, you will encounter endless frustration that is associated with sleepiness and higher perspiration. This might be knowledgeable mostly during the evening but be ready for the same during the day as they can happen at any given time. Furthermore, be sure to look out for a rigid nasal area, improved desire together with bowel problems. These ones might seem to be less risky among alongside it effects that you will encounter but give them all the interest they need since they are similarly risky especially when they happen at the same time.
Insomnia and anxiety will in addition be very visible in your soul when you begin using weight loss supplements. You?ll look confused and hardened and can panic with a minimum of exactly what you encounter in existence. Your emotions will drastically change for that worse when under these pills therefore that should not be any scare for you by any means.
Make certain you know about all of the possible unwanted effects of utilizing weight loss supplements before you possess some for the weight reduction reasons to make sure you are safe and sound.
Bryan Martin has been contributing to leading Weight loss magazine for the past 10 years. He wants to recommend weight loss supplements for fat burning which works very well.
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Monday, February 20, 2012
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A Few Practical Plans For Home Improvement | welcome to ...
There is a very wide range of thought when it comes to home improvements, given the fact that our opinions are all distinctive. There is certainly a spot in every home, both inside and out, that can benefit from some sort of improvement. We will provide you with some basic ideas that may enhance your home.
People rarely use their attics and basements to their full potential. You could convert a basement or an attic into a play room, office or guest room. You can do almost anything you can imagine from a space you can rent out from some additional cash to an extra bedroom or work space for you. You already have the main components of a room, namely floor, walls and roof. The space will probably need to be remodeled and worked on if you want to make it suitable for living in. You could add a kitchenette, need to clean out mold or air out a damp basement, or add some plumbing. When considering the potential advantages, though, these jobs will be worth it in the end.
Different plants, including shrubs, trees and hedges can improve the look of your garden while also providing some shade and privacy. You can derive a lot of benefits from a few shrubs or trees, including solar and wind protection, additional beauty as well as a way to absorb excessive moisture. Depending on the climate in your area, you could consider planting fruit trees so you can eat fruit right from your yard. If you would prefer more privacy, you could consider a living fence made from hedges. It?s more attractive than having a wall built and it can consist of different types of plants, shrubs or small trees that form a barrier between your home and the world.
Your kitchen can enjoy a fresh look and you can have more fun cooking with the right counter-tops The kitchen is usually the most important room in a house, where much of the social interaction takes place and the first thing people take notice of when visiting a new home. Ceramic tile is always a good choice for kitchen counter-tops, and you can choose the color and texture that you prefer. Ceramic tiles are perfect for a room where cooking is done because they hare moisture and stain resistant. Buying new counter-tops means having a good think about how they go with the rest of your home?s design. You probably are aware of the scope that seo services covers, and that proved to make it difficult to decide on what we wanted to cover.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
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Duke biologist Sarah Zylinski wants to better understand how cuttlefish see the world. Like their relatives octopus and squid, cuttlefish are master camouflagers?and Zylinski says you can learn something about how they process visual information by testing how they change their skin patterns in relation to different backgrounds.
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Home Mortgages Refinance ? How To Compate Lenders | Rai ...
The home mortgages refinance is reasonable, when the long term benefits beat the costs. It is said, that the new interest rate must be at least 2 points lower than your present has, before the home mortgages refinanceis wise. But how to find these great offers?
This is maybe the best time in the history for the home mortgages refinance, because of the global financial crises. When the demand for the loans is down, the lenders fight for the borrowers and offer good terms. If you are able to make them to compete against each other, you can even make some extra benefits.
1. The Job Of The Online Comparison Sites.
These special sites are middlemen, which have collected quotes and special offers from hundreds or thousands of mortgage lenders. When a borrower plans the home mortgages refinance, he just submit his own information into the online service and gets the quotes quickly.
When the lenders change the terms and offers following their own sales situations, it is important to check these terms regularly to reach the best result.
To be able to do that, you have to write down your targets and the key information of your present mortgages.
2. What You Get From These Online Services?
After a borrower has filled in the needed information into the application form, he will get an instant information, whether the quote in question will respond his needs or not. The best lenders offer a borrower a cost / benefit analyses free of charge. The quotes from the different lenders are easy to compare.
3. The Comparison Sites Have Differences.
It is important to use a site, which is independent and not a sales channel of a few lenders.
A site, which can offer quotes from hundreds of lenders in your area is effective. These sites take the prospecting and researching part of the job and offer that service to their customers. The best ones make the lenders to fight for you operating like your personal broker.
4. Multiple Lender Sites Offer The Best Quotes.
As a part of your home mortgages refinance plan, the multiple lender online comparison sites have important roles. They represent the market and the lenders know that. If a lender really want to sell now, he will use the comparison site to be able to beat the competition and to get an instant sales.
5. Check The Figures From The Finalists.
If the comparison sites have differences, so have the lenders. It is important to check the key figures of all the interesting lenders. You can also ask from relatives or friends, who have refinanced their loans, which of the lenders they would recommend.
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For those who have a honest or the score, classic Orange County Hotel financing probably are not such very simple. Even as long as they can obtain approved to get a loan, the rate of interest is not often what these were hoping when it comes to. Check your individual credit send. There are techniques to learn getting a motor finance with disastrous credit. There are extensive places online which you could get an auto finance debt approved very quickly. Bad Credit Car Finance ? Buy A Car With Bad Credit.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
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Home change for the better is without doubt one of the greatest ways in your case to raise your home. Everyday tools you need are the next on the record. Here they offer from building supplies, flooring and computer, hammer drill to lamps and fans, storage, and plumbing programs. Tools, appliances, kitchen cabinets, tiles, lighting, home decor and a lot more are all offered at Lowe?s. Many experienced do-it-yourselfers come to be cavalier about ones own abilities and cut corners when considering safety. If you would like to know more about the tools you will need for your do it yourself project, read this write-up.
You will certainly want to have a very good good hammer on the list of applications, as most do-it-yourself projects that may be brought to thoughts involve hammering something across the lines. So what is without a doubt suggested is you make yourself a physical item of paper that will as a guidelines. You can uncover this out because of government websites, or by getting a few phone message or calls. Home Depot reported 2008 accurate documentation year for non-gas out-of-doors power equipment. Just remember to get a set connected with tools that feel in your arms; tools that fit the hands are both much simpler and safer to work with. As part of your townhouse improvement tools system, you should shop for garden tools like a lawn mower, a spade, a garden hoe, a garden fork in addition to a rake.
Home growth tools can be all types of different things. The design regarding module boasts being so simple that a user are designed for it perfectly. Familiarizing yourself using these objects is quite ideal. You will need some sort of ear protection and also eye protection. Some of that materials used are actually compost, fertilizers, tools and additionally landscaping products just like statues, furniture and garden ornaments at the same time. Look at the purchase price too, because a little drills that are too pricey for many. When comparing those sizes, be aware that a majority of large power tools is going to take an airflow connected with 10 cubic ft, whilst smaller appliances will be needing only 1-5 cubic feet for each minute.
Home improvement costs are usually easily cut down by making certain you only buy what you require, there is absolutely no point purchasing something which you?re never visiting use. ?I do use contractors in some places, but I nonetheless enjoy doing things on my own. This is among the first areas of your home that people discover when approaching your house. I mean, who won?t take it easy using wonderful tools as being a DeWALT wrench from a Milwaukee Drill/Driver? These fixtures add value to your residence and save you money within your monthly water expenses.
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Meek Mill Bosses Up At #7 Spot In Hottest Debate
As part of Rick Ross' Maybach Music Group, Meek proves he's a 'Boss' and makes his Hottest MCs in the Game debut.
By Rob Markman
Album sales aren't the only measure of a hot MC. Meek Mill doesn't have a solo LP on the shelf, but the Philadelphia flame spitter has made his presence felt in a variety of other ways.
Thanks to "Ima Boss," his inescapable single with Maybach Music CEO Rick Ross, Meek has maintained a deafening buzz on the streets and impacted the game like no other MC in his class. Meek Milly meets all of the criteria to be considered one of the "Hottest MCs in the Game." His in-your-face lyrical delivery and fresh-off-the-block style have all helped earn him the #7 spot on the "VII" edition of the list.
Meek started off his year right, landing a spot on XXL's 2011 Freshman cover before most rap fans could even pick him out of a lineup. But those unfamiliar with Milly quickly learned who he was when Ross signed him to Maybach Music Group. And then his single "Ima Boss" began to catch fire in the streets. From the song's opening bars, Meek separated himself from other rap rookies by putting his gangsta on full display, daring his adversaries to come for him ("They say they gon' rob me, see me never do sh--").
Want to join the debate? Just hit us on Twitter using the hashtag #HottestMC!
Albums: Self Made, Vol. 1 with Maybach Music Group
Selected Mixtapes: Dreamchasers
Singles: "Ima Boss" (featuring Rick Ross), "Tupac Back" (featuring Rick Ross) and "House Party" (featuring Young Chris)
Street Bangers: "Tony Story" and "Ima Boss" remix (featuring T.I., Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Birdman, Swizz Beatz and DJ Khaled)
Key Guest Appearances: Tyga's "Rack City" remix, Maino's "Cream" and Rick Ross' "Last Breath"
Meteoric Metrics: Along with MMG, Meek scored a #1 rap album with the label's Self Made, Vol.1 compilation.
Business Ventures: Hooked up with Ecko Unltd to start his Dreamchasers clothing line.
Tours: Hit the road with Lil Wayne tourmate Rick Ross, playing select dates on Weezy's I'm Still Music Tour
Monumental Moment: A month after appearing on the 2011 XXL Freshman cover, Meek announced he had signed with Rick Ross' Maybach Music Group.
Forecast: Meek's accomplishments are more impressive when you consider that he has yet to release his debut album. With an unspecified 2012 release date on the table, look for Meek Milly's star to rise in the coming months.
"For me, Meek is that real, real street music," MTV News editor/writer Rebecca Thomas said. "As much as I'm a Drake fan, a [Big] Sean fan, all those people, I just think there are days you wake up and you need to hear 'Ima Boss.' If you didn't feel 'Tupac Back,' if you didn't feel 'Ima Boss' all last year, you're dead."
It wasn't just the fans that felt Meek either. Everyone from Fabolous to Jim Jones repurposed the "Ima Boss" beat for their own freestyle needs. The omnipresent single peaked at #17 on the Billboard Rap chart, but its run in the streets and the clubs made it seem so much bigger. Mill didn't ride just the one single, though: On "Tupac Back," he resurrected the spirit of the fallen rap legend, and with "House Party," from his Dreamchasers mixtape, Meek has created quite the track record.
Last year alone, Meek signed a deal with Ecko Clothing to launch his own Dreamchasers line, was named one of MTV Jams' Fab 5 artists, won MTV2's Sucker Free's Who Got Next award and snagged a #1 rap album with his appearance on MMG's Self Made, Vol.1 compilation.
"You need dudes like Meek to hit the reset button every now and then on the game just to let them know like, 'Yo, this comes from the streets,' " said Rahman Dukes, MTV News' director of hip-hop news. "He's just as responsible for building that MMG Empire as Ross is."
Tune in to MTV2 on Sunday, February 19, at 10 p.m. ET/PT to catch "MTV2 Presents: Yo! MTV Raps Classic Cuts," then watch "Hottest MCs in the Game VII" immediately after at 10:30 p.m. ET/PT before capping the night off with "Sucker Free Certified" at 11 p.m. ET/PT.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Producing The Right Choice With DIY Home Improvement | Music ...
Your house may need some repairs or you just want to change the method it looks, so one thing you can do is DIY home improvement. This is something you should carefully consider before starting, as you?ve to consider your budget, abilities and the amount of time you have. Saving money by doing your own home improvement projects, will normally be determined by your level of commitment. DIY home improvement tasks that are being planned by you, can use recommendations that are helpful, such as some of the following. If you are thinking about granite counter tops get in touch with Atlanta granite.
One of the most essential areas to think about when you?re taking on any kind of (blank) repairs, renovations or even decorating projects is the budget. It is important that you figure out the estimated cost before beginning any work. It is good, also, to visualize that your actual price is going to be at least 10 % higher than your first estimation. That?s this is the way it usually works. There are more often than not unexpected reasons why a task is going to cost more compared to you think. It?s possible that you will need more supplies, you might make mistakes or even any number of other problems could pop up too. Many home improvement tasks require a permit. This is different, depending on the neighborhood where you live and what you want to do, nevertheless you should find out about it early on. When you have the contractor doing the project for you, he will generally obtain any kind of necessary permits, however if you are performing the work yourself, this becomes your responsibility. In most cases, getting a permit isn?t difficult or costly, but it can save you by hassles and possibly fines later on. Getting hold of the proper enables is imperative should you ever would like to put your house up For Sale, since any kind of major work you have done without getting a enable will eventually be found out and that will make it harder to get a potential buyer. If you need granite counter tops you may want to contact granite Atlanta.
When you want a completely different search for your home, wallpaper might be a better option than painting. There are so many designs along with varieties of wallpaper available, that you should at least think about the possibility, even though wallpaper is not liked by everybody. You need to be watching what you are doing, when you are installing wallpaper, but it is not hard to do. You have to do a thorough job of cleaning the walls and making sure there is no grease or dampness on them. First you place the adhesive on the wall, and then once it has dried, the wallpaper can be installed. To keep the unattractive bubbles from turning up, the smoother you are able to apply it the better. Wallpaper can give any space a new look, and it?s one of the easiest along with cheapest home improvement tasks that can be done.
Do-it-yourself home improvement projects include many factors, which we have looked at. Books, publications, TV shows and the Internet are all places where you can find information on home improvement. All you need to do to change your home, is actually get the proper planning, and any job can be done, even if it is only quick and easy repairs. Your home can be changed to look better with a lot of possibilities.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Kosovo Serbs hold defiant referendum (AP)
MITROVICA, Kosovo ? Serbs in northern Kosovo voted Tuesday in a referendum that is likely to overwhelmingly reject Kosovo's ethnic Albanian rule, further hindering Serbia's attempts to join the European Union.
The EU, and even Serbia ? which does not recognize Kosovo's declaration of independence in 2008 ? have urged the Serbs not to stage the two-day referendum that asks whether they accept Kosovo's government.
Serbs in the tense north last summer set up road blocks to defy the Kosovo government, clashing with NATO peacekeepers.
Germany blocked Serbia's EU candidacy bid after the clashes, demanding that Belgrade dismantle its institutions in Kosovo and urging the Serbs there to integrate into society. Some 40,000 Serbs live in northern Kosovo.
Serbia's President Boris Tadic said the referendum "jeopardizes the interests" of Serbia and further complicates ongoing dialogue with Kosovo's ethnic Albanians as Belgrade tries to make some concessions toward the Pristina government, a precondition for Serbia's path to EU accession.
Serbia's chief Kosovo negotiator Borislav Stefanovic said the holding of the referendum is "meaningless" because its result ? rejection of ethnic Albanian rule ? is certain.
EU officials will review Serbia's bid to formally become a candidate in early March.
Kosovo's government blamed Serbia for setting up the vote that it said was an illegal act aimed at undermining Kosovo's statehood.
"This recent act of Serbia against Kosovo clearly proves the sick ambitions and territorial claims of Serbia towards Kosovo," the statement said.
In Brussels, the EU said it was preparing for a new round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina aimed at easing tensions in northern Kosovo.
"There is a particular situation in the north that needs a solution, but neither violence nor barricades, or a referendum contributes to it," EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said. "Only a dialogue can achieve that."
Kosovo Serb leaders are mostly members of Serbian nationalist parties that want close relations with Russia and are against joining the EU.
They want to split the northern region of Kosovo, which is under their control, and reunify it with Serbia. They see the referendum as a step in that direction.
"Unlike the Kosovo Albanians who are using weapons and violence to reach their goals, the Kosovo Serbs are using peaceful and democratic methods to accomplish theirs," the mayor of the Serb part of the divided city of Mitrovica, Krstimir Pantic, said after casting his ballot.
Senior Serbian government official Oliver Ivanovic criticized the referendum, saying it will have "negative consequences" by further fueling tensions in the region and isolating Kosovo Serbs.
"This is the first time that the Serbs (in Kosovo) have openly disobeyed Serbia," Ivanovic said.
More than 80 countries have so far recognized the independence of Kosovo, including the United States and most EU nations.
Dusan Stojanovic and Jovana Gec in Belgrade, Serbia, Slobodan Lekic in Brussels and Nebi Qena in Athens contributed to this report.
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